Careers Beyond Motherhood Podcast Community

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About us

Becoming a mum (or mom) changes EVERYTHING.

But, it doesn’t have to change your status as a working professional.

You can continue to build a career that you love and enjoy. 

You may have swapped you Micheal Kors handbag for a Pacapod changing bag for a period. And your shopping trips were probably replaced with online shopping carts (thank goodness for Asos!).

Now you have dusted off those heels and are ready get back in the "game". 

Things may look different. New job, New direction, New Venture and that is ok. 

It is true that it is not easy to do the working mum juggle. One thing is for sure is a lot easier with friends and like-minded ladies by your side.  

With the right support, strategy and community, you can totally thrive in your career beyond motherhood. 

Why You Should Join Us

As a member of this community, you will get access to the podcast episode each week, bonus materials, hot topic discussions, access to exclusive offers and invitations future in-person meet ups.